August 6, 2013
The recruitment of celebrity’s as part of a
promotional effort to attract customers is nothing new
to the industry. And if done correctly venues
can cash in on these high profile guests.

July 23, 2013
The way to book a DJ depends on what type of venue
you are, what type of music you play, what type of
clientele you attract, and what your budget is.
You as the owner, manager or booking agent need to
first and foremost know what you want.

July 16, 2013
Your budget may be tight, but it is still possible
to open a Nightclub on a Dime. This can be accomplished
by negotiating a beneficial lease,
finding an old nightclub space, creating an illusion,
doing it yourself or by taking on partners and the right

June 17, 2013
You’re getting started in the nightlife
business and you want to know how the major nightclubs
in cities bring in thousands of customers per week.
Well, here are a couple of secrets for starting out.

May 28, 2013
As an owner you need to know what to look for in a
General Manager. Understanding that this person is key
to the success of your venue and
will need to execute on your concepts, ideas and vision
is imperative.

May 20, 2013
Your venue is busy, however, your customer‘s
average spend isn’t what you expected. Therefore,
it’s time to teach your staff, how to up sell your

May 7, 2013
As summer approaches, nightclubs and bars across
the world are revamping their venues for the upcoming

April 9, 2013
So you have this great idea, concept, business
plan, venue location, experience, team, and all you need
to bring it to life is the funding.

April 2, 2013
Sports fans all over America, dream of owning a
Sports Bar. Although it could be very lucrative, you
need to remember it’s still a business.